Smitek has launched production of rolled-edge reflectors. Current maximum size is 3,6х3,6 meters with quiet zone of 1,8 meters. Reflectors are made of more than 280 mm thick aluminum plates. Reflector frame is also made of aluminum, which provides thermal symmetry of the assembly. The design does not suggest any adjustment elements for segment connection, which substantially lowers requirements for reflector maintenance. All elements are milled on precision 5-axis machine with 15 µm/m accuracy, which provides the highest quality of the surface.
Smitek introduce the new type of compact antenna test range system CATR with elevated reflector on the swingarm. This is the new solution for spherical OTA measurement in indirect far-field conditions. System would find its place in 5G OTA testing according to 3GPP IFF specification. The benefits of this solution is simplified antenna under test installation and accurate 3D antenna pattern measurement even for antennas with medium directivity.